Výroční konference sítě IMISCOE

Vedoucí našeho projektu Lenka Formánková se ve dnech 2 - 4. července zúčastnila výroční konference sítě zaměřené an výzkum migrace IMISCOE ve španělské Barceloně. Tématem konference s podtitulem Europe, Migrations And The Mediterranean: Human Mobilities And Intercultural Challenges byly možnosti a výzvy multikulturní společnosti v současné Evropě. Lenka Formánková přednesla příspěvek o dostupnosti opatření rodinné politiky matkám s migrační zkušeností žijících v České republice nazvaný: Time to work, time to care? Third country migrant mothers to reconcile work and family life in the post state-socialist Czech Republic

Obsah vystoupení je shrnut v následujícím abstraktu: Focusing on social rights of third-country migrants in the post-state socialist Czech Republic, I evaluate the capabilities of migrant mothers from Ukraine and Vietnam with children under 10 in relation to choices provided to them by the family and migration policy legislation. Focusing on work-life reconciliation options, I draw from a body of literature that locates social rights at the intersection of welfare regimes, care, and gender (Lewis, 1992).Using an institutional perspective, I examine the consequences of the current economic crisis for perceptions of social rights and entitlement to social risk protection within the welfare state. The institutional analysis stems from a) migration policies aimed towards third-country nationals and their families and b) the access of different groups of migrants (according to legal status) to public welfare, through an investigation of policies created since 2008. The statistical analysis of migrant families and their labor market positions provides the structural context. The documents on family and migration policies (legal acts, public discussions, analytical papers, official documents, national-level studies, etc.), 20 interviews with governmental, non-governmental and academic sector national level experts and statistical data on migrant communities (Eurostat, national level surveys) were analyzed. The preliminary results reveal that the functioning of third country migrant mothers in comparison to mothers with citizenship is restricted by several aspect. First, the changes in migration legislation are leading to several restrictions making the stay in the legal market more difficult since the beginning of the economic crisis. Second, the retrenchment in welfare state led to introduction of several austerity measures in family policy. Third, family policy measures are designed in such a way many migrant and transnational families are not eligible.
